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2012-2013 Medical Academy in Gdańsk, postgraduate studies, faculty: Art Therapy, Poland
2005-2010 Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, faculty: Painting, MA degree, Poland
2006-2010 Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, faculty: Film, television and still photography, Bachelor’s degree, Poland
1999-2005 Middle and Secondary School of Fine Arts, faculty: Photography, Poland
2016 16th place in the „Young Art Compass” published in Rzeczpospolita daily (ranking of 100 most promising young Polish artists)
2010 Laureate of the national contest „Promocje 2010” – Prize of the artistic monthly “Format”, Poland
2009 Collective award „Pomorska Nagroda Sztuki” for collective accomplishment of “the Map of Hevelius”, Poland
2015 Shangyuan Art Museum, Pekin, China
2015 Village des Arts, Dakar, Senegal
2014 Rivoli 59, Paris, France
2012 Jour et Nuit Culture, Paris, France
Wystawy Indywidualne
2017 Painting exhibition, Kuratorium Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2016 Painting exhibition, Teatr Witkacego, Zakopane, Poland
2014 Painting exhibition, Alliance Française, Gdańsk, Poland